SODOM & GOMORRAH: The European Union continues to struggle to cope with the massive financial blackhole that is Greece. In short, default is both inevitable and the only real solution. In December, the International Monetary Fund reviewed the Greek economy and released a set of findings that shows how impossible any easy fix will be for the Mediterranean country. The IMF … [Read more...]
Shopping Center Sizes and Bubble Economies
SODOM & GOMORRAH: We often think that economic bubbles are complex, distant phenomena that effect primarily stock prices, financial instruments, and whose primary effect is job loss. We often overlook some of the other effects that stare us square in the face as we do our Christmas shopping. Depending on where you live, shopping centers are sometimes taken for granted. … [Read more...]
Ben Bernanke is Wrong About Printing Money
SODOM & GOMORRAH: Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke held a rare public forum in front of military families. In his remarks, he defended the insane policies that have prolonged our economic misery. Mr. Bernanke said that policy makers are "intently" focused on job creation. This should strike fear into the heart of every decent person. When the government focused … [Read more...]
Progress is Dying
SODOM & GOMORRAH: Material and technical progress, the last legitimate refuge for the modern progressive mind, has now been called into question. In the 18th century, we were promised moral progress. The intellectuals of the age promised us that we were rising above the savagery and violence of our primitive past and moving toward a bright future where even the basest of … [Read more...]
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania is the First to Fall
SODOM & GOMORRAH: The City of Harrisburg has filed for bankruptcy. Mayor Linda Thompson (D.) was opposed to the measure and called it illegal. She said that the bankruptcy was an embarrassment and interferes with the city's ability to borrow funds for municipal projects. Seriously? The reason to oppose bankruptcy is it puts a damper on your ability to rack up more debt? … [Read more...]