SODOM & GOMORRAH: The infamous debt reduction committee has failed. The bipartisan silver bullet has proven to be worthless. Are we surprised?
Touted as the bipartisan answer to America’s looming deficit problem, the so-called super committee has all but thrown in the towel. A few months ago, President Obama and Congress agreed to abide by whatever decisions the panel came up with, since without a resolution there would be serious across the board budget cuts. In effect, Congress held a loaded gun to its own head, saying that it was try or die for the country’s fiscal problems. Whether they will pull the metaphorical trigger and go through with the cuts remains to be seen.
As this author has said many times, the world is facing a moral crisis. The economic situation is a mere syndrome of the disease. The politicians we rail against, the slumped stock market, and the endless fighting around the world are all side effects of the great spiritual malady that infects our culture.
The solution does not rest with the politicians, the stock market, the Federal Reserve, or anything else. The solution is in our hearts.
The super committee’s failure will be followed with the typical fighting. The real short-coming of any bipartisan effort is the obvious point of exit for each of the members: if something fails, the other side can be blamed.