SODOM & GOMORRAH: The senate in Brazil decided to remove President Dilma Rousseff on Thursday following approximately 20 hours of debate. Her temporary replacement has a history of spying for the Americans.
President Rousseff is accused of breaking budget laws, but she maintains her innocence by proclaiming that her financial practices have been no different than those of previous administrations. Rousseff claims that her administration has been “the target of nonstop sabotage.” She is being forced to step down during the legal proceedings. Her suspension is scheduled to last at least 180 days, meaning she will be out of political power when the Olympics are hosted in August.
President Rousseff will maintain her salary, title, and residence throughout the suspension.
Interestingly, her one time vice president, Michel Temer, has assumed the role of interim president. Wikileaks recently released a series of cables from the United States showing that Michel Temer repeatedly informed to the American government regarding political developments in the Latin American country. The cables, dated from January 2006 show Mr. Temer commenting on presidential elections, the status of political parties, and ideological differences between people within Brazil’s government.