SODOM & GOMORRAH: Photographs posted to social media of your own children could land you in legal hot water when they’re older.
French authorities warn that certain privacy laws could reasonably extend to children. France, which has been passing increasingly stricter privacy laws, now says that parents who post photos of their kids that are considered “too intimate” could face a fine of up to 45,000 Euro and up to a year in prison.
“Your favourite picture of your child sitting on the potty for the first time may not be their favourite picture of themselves when they’re 13,” says author and child psychologist Catherine Steiner-Adair. Such a photo could open the parents up to privacy lawsuits from their children once they come of age and say that they don’t consent to such photos or making those photos public. Researchers and policy analysts are concerned about the lack of privacy settings most parents have on their accounts (essentially making all posts and photos public to any viewer, not just to friends).